We hope you are doing well and having a great time making music with us! At Family Music of Clermont, we are always looking at ways we can improve your lesson experience and give our students more. On August 1st we launched a music lesson reward system called the Musical Ladder System. Every 3 to 6 months or so, your teacher will schedule an achievement test for your child. When acheivement tests are passed, your student will receive a really cool wristband and a certificate of achievement. At certain levels, they also receive personalized trophies. Another great part of this is that this program will cost you nothing. All of your wristbands, trophies, and certificates are included as part of your tuition.
We look forward to seeing continued growth and excitement in your student. Family Music of Clermont
Frequently Asked Questions: -We have been taking lessons for for 3 years already, do we get the rewards for that time as well? Thank you for being such a loyal customer. We launched this program on August 1st and everyone will start at the beginning.
-How will we know what level we are on? Send the front desk a text and we will answer any questions. If you were a student on August 1st 2024 (our launch date) your first test will be sometime in November. For students that started lessons after August 1st 2024 your first test will be roughly 3 months after your lesson start date.
-Are the tests hard? Acheivment tests are appropriate for your student's specific level.